Sunday 18 February 2018

Greatest harmony and what master Sha is creating

Harmony and what master Sha is creating

Ok lets go deeper into harmony. 

Again I will share wisdom from Dr. joe Dispenza. 
If we look at an atom and see that it is 99.999999999999% space, which is an information field. If we where to take two atoms let's say a sodium ion and a chloride ion and bring them together, their informational fields would overlap and create a new harmonious informational field to create a molecule. 

Now if we combine more complexity to those molecules, they would create a chemical. The chemical is now a sharing of hundreds of atoms coming together sharing their informational fields with on another in harmony. 
The chemical now has its own field of information. 

Now if you order chemicals into complex systems, those chemicals can assemble together to form cells. 
The fields of the chemicals creates a field of information around the cell. 

Now if you organise cells together, those cells form tissues, and those tissues share a field of information and all those tissues share a field of information, and all of those cells are working together for the greater good. That information that they are sharing is a collective consciousness. A harmonious collective consciousness. 

Now if you take those tissues and organise them into an organ, now we have a collective group of tissues that are functioning collectively as cells, that are organised as chemicals, that are working together as molecules, that have assembled as atoms and there is now a field of information that is created around that organ. 

That organ has a field of information around it. It has a force field around it that allows matter to do what it does. 

If you take organs and you organise organs together, you create systems. 
Systems of the body such as, cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune system, the reproductive system and so on. 

All these systems work together as a collective consciousness, and all the information that is surrounding that particular system is sharing a collective consciousness of information. 

Now if we organise all these systems together we now have a body, and the body then has a field of information around it. You can call it the auric field, the personal field, it doesn't matter. It's a field of information that is beginning to give life, give order, give coherence, or rhythm to Matter. 

So we go from atom to molecule, molecule to chemical, chemical to cell, cell to tissue, tissue to organ, organ to system, system to body. 

So that is how we understand that the human body is made of countless informational field coming together and creating a new harmonious field of information. The human body is a community of countless harmonious consciousnesses. Working together for a greater good. 
Whenever there is a disturbance in the harmony of information fields it creates incoherence in the body and we experience sickness. 
The body experiences health through countless informational fields working together in harmony. 

The reason our world is sick is because we are not living in harmony with one another, Logic! The coherent energy fields become incoherent when they reach the level of collective consciousness of human beings. 

Now I'm going to go further. 
The whole universe is 99.99999999999% space, which is information. 
Every thing in the universe occupies an area of space (information) within space, (the whole universe).
We occupy an area of space in space. Everything does. 

So think about this. We see our bodies through the eyes, which see Matter. But we know that the true reality is very different. Our bodies are like holograms, 99.99999999999% space which consists of countless informational fields working together for the greater good. 

Now when we look at spiritual treasures, we can understand that a true master has the ability to transmit a new information to occupy the same space as, let's say, our snow mountain area with a new, pure informational field from a higher dimension. 

This then can change the information of that area and bless that information field with a new message, frequency and vibration!!
That new information will reside within the space that our body occupies in space. 

Now let's go further!
We understand that informational field and matter respond to being observed. This is the observer effect. 
So then, as Master Sha says our spiritual treasures need to be "turned on" to my understanding he means they need to be "observed" by us, because then we choose to focus on that field of spiritual information, then it can effect our reality. 

Now let's go even further!!

Master Sha has downloaded every single informational field in all creation, in all parts of the universes and all dimensions with LPH treasures. This means that all aspects of all realities share the same coherent information, frequency and vibration of the source love, source peace, and source harmony. 

So why are we not experiencing it?
Because we are not observing (turning on) that reality. When we meditate on the fact that all space, within all of space, is filled with Divine and Tao love, peace and harmony information, frequency and vibration, we will observe this reality and therefore experience it and influence the whole. 
We are then looking at a universe that has an entirely different message than the one we are choosing to live in right now. 
Master Sha is literally creating a new universal Divine and Tao informational field and it's very important that we observe it and choose to live in it. 

This is the power of acknowledging, observing and choosing to focus on this reality that exists, instead of choosing a limited world based on our past. 

Now, try this practice. 
When one observes the world through the eyes,  we are observing Matter through a 3dimenstional mechanical device. We are observing this reality through a body that is of this world. 
To open a vertical dimension to our vision, start seeing the world as informational fields interacting with each other. This is not scientific this is spiritual. See the countless informational field that make up the beaches and the oceans and so on. 
This opens a dimension of observing the cooperation between all things. 

All phenomena "things" are Informational fields interacting harmoniously with other informational fields within space. Within a universe of unlimited potentials. 

Observing the quantum world is to observe the spiritual world and the Tao world. 
Why? Because when we observe the nature of why things exist the way they do and then observe the laws governed by this grand intelligence, we see that it is loving, humble, peaceful, caring, harmonious, and so on. The nature of nature is loving and harmonious.  It's us that have separated ourselves from it.  That is why we create suffering because go against the flow of life. 

This is why changing the message is so important. Because each of us is spirit, is the quantum observer, we each create what we choose to observe. This is also why the teaching of no attachments is so important, because when we attach to a perspective this alters our observation. 

For example 
Whether we see a situation as good or bad depends on whether we view it as good or bad. Our perspective alters our experience. We can see the same event as god or bad depending on our situation. 
I we are camping and it rains, this is bad. If we have just planted a veg garden and it rains this is good. 
We can change how we observe the message of anything then we will experience that reality. We can change the message of something we see as harmful to something being a blessing and our level of trust and belief in our observation will determine our experience. 

Friday 9 February 2018

Recent insights

For the past 5 days I have been writing continuously, I have been receiving constant insight. Deep understandings have been flowing to me throughout my days and I have been able to understand and link so much of the research I have done together with my experiences through personal practice and life experiences. 
In this post I will attempt to explain this insight. I have understood deeper the relationship between spirit, energy and Matter, as well as nature, our role in it, and the purpose of life. 
A special thank you to my teacher Master Sha, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Jesus, Eckhart Tolle, OSHO, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Jacob Needleman, my spiritual mothers and fathers, family friends and ancestors and more for their influence in my understanding. I love and appreciate them all. 

First let's look at the relationship between energy and Matter within our bodies and in nature (as there is no separation). 
To do this I am going to use the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza as his teachings really helped me understand simply this relationship. 

Let's start with a analogy from him. 
If we look at a fan, we see that the slower the fan is spinning, the more we can see the blades and the less energy (wind) is emitted. 
If we speed the fan up, the blades become less visible and more energy (wind) is emitted. 

This is like an atom. An Atom is 99.999999999999% empty space. This is scientific fact right now. That is ninety nine point twelve nines space!
But it's not actually empty space. It's filled with energy and information. 
That 99.99999999999% space is actually filled with infinite possible realities. When we live our life based on our past, we continually choose the same linear reality based on our past experiences and our beliefs. 

When we live in stress and fight or flight, our organs and systems receive scrambled information and signals from the brain. This causes incoherence. Incoherence is like millions of drummers all out of sync with one another. This incoherence slows down the vibration of the atoms and just like the fans, they emit less energy and become more Matter. 

When this happens, we become more attached to the material world and we try to influence matter with Matter. What this means is, we try and change our life situation (Matter) on the same level (Matter). Particle trying to move particle. 
This is why when we live in stress we never can change our life situations. 

Now, when we live in elevated emotions such as love and appreciation, we move into coherence. This is like millions of drummers all playing in sync with one another beautifully. This also speeds up the frequency and vibrations of our atoms, which then moves us into more energy and less matter and our atoms emit more energy. 
When we live in these coherent states we become more detached from life situations and are able to stay in control of our life situations more, because now we are more energy, energy is moving matter, not matter trying to move Matter. Now we are more wave, so wave is moving particle. 

This explains beautifully in my opinion how energy influences matter. 

Now let's go another layer up. My spiritual father and teacher Master Sha teaches soul over matter. 
Now this is possible because soul (Spirit/life/information/message/awakened consciousness/quantum observer, or whatever you want to call it) influences energy. 

The observing consciousness (spirit) is the controlling force behind energy. 
Therefore, the quantum observer (spirit) is in control of the physical reality. When the quantum observer creates harmonious emotions (emotion is e-motion, energy-in -motion), we raise the energy vibration and therefore influence/move matter (the physical reality). 
When we (the awareness behind the world of form, the spirit) become more stuck in the world, in this 5 sense reality, the body operates in fight or flight mode, we vibrate slower, therefore becoming more matter in the body, less coherent, and less conscious. We are then trying to move Matter (through life situations) on the level of matter. We become lost in the world. Spirit has become lost in its own experience. 

This is why Master Sha teachers the 10 greatest qualities of nature. When we (the observing consciousness/spirit) consciously embody these emotions we harmonies with nature, therefore creating coherence within the body and in the world around us. By us embodying these 10 great conditions consciously the awareness, energy and Matter and align on every level, therefore meld with nature, which is Tao and the highest achievement.  But it has to be in that order. It can only work when we operate from Shen - Qi- Jing. If it is Jing - Qi - Shen then it doesn't work, because as we have spoke about Jing (Matter) cannot influences energy and so on. Only when one becomes conscious and fully awake can they live from Shen (soul, heart,mind) then influence Qi (energy) and Jing (Matter). From this point of awareness all of them become one and there is coherence on every level. Whatever the awakened consciousness wants to experience it is created instantly in the body. This is soulfulness, which is "Shen Qi Jing He Yi" (translates to Soul/heart/mind/energy/matter joint as one to align with Tao the source). 

This is melding with nature because this is the way nature intended it to be. Nature intended that we live life from awakened consciousness (Soul). Only when we moved into unconsciousness did we separate ourselves from nature. 
So to be fully conscious in the present moment is to flow with nature. Follow nature, and therefore flourish. If we go against nature we finish. We resist life. This resistance ultimately leads to our death. If we flow against life we experience death, right?
Yet if we flow with life and harmonise with the natural laws that govern the cosmos we ride the wave of life and unlimited abundance, creating peace within ourselves and the universe. 
This is also surrender. 

There is an undeniable intelligence that loves all things in all universes. This intelligence loves everything into life. The universe is approximately 30-40 billion years old. It operated perfectly before we got here and will do after we leave. There is a order to it. When we resist this flow of life by wanting to always be in control of our life, we resist life. When we trust that life knows best and surrender to life we flow with life. Surrender is seen as weakness, but it is the ultimate strength. To hand your control of you life over to life takes huge strength and only very few humans have ever done it totally. Remember Cosmos actually means order.

We don't consciously pump our hearts thousands of times a day. We don't consciously breath gallons of air a day. We don't consciously pump blood all around our bodies 24 hours a day. We don't consciously reproduce cells and rejuvenate and renew every part of our bodies all the time. 
This life intelligence literally LOVES US INTO LIFE! This intelligence is responsible for the birth of universes, waves on a beach and the blossoming of flowers, as well as each one of us being born. This is the love of Tao, the source of all things. This is Da Ai (greatest love). The greatest love is pure love. Unconditional love. A love that has no opposites. Hate is not the opposite of this love. As Osho says "if your love can switch to hate at the flick of a switch, it is not love. It is hate disguised as love, true love has no opposite." Da Ai is the foundation of all the 10 greatest conditions of nature. They all stem from greatest love. 

This love is what we experience through our children. This is what every being in the universe consciously or unconsciously searches for. The love of the creator. The level of love we experience and can offer depends on our purity and alignment with this universal one love. To purify and align our Shen Qi Jing with this love of the creator and source of all things. 

The sun has a soul, an observing consciousness . Each drop of the ocean does, Mother Earth does. This observing consciousness is the spirit of each thing in the universe. 
Try and imagine what it has been like for a fully conscious earth or the sun watching a completely unconscious humanity destroy themselves and taking so much life with them. Yet they continue to serve all life selflessly. Why is this? Simply because they are fully conscious entities. Every fully conscious human being lives life like this. 

When I say fully conscious I believe that all life in all universes is one conscious grand intelligence. It is this source of all life experiencing itself. Yet it is still individual for each entity because it has manifested in countless different forms. 

(I may be wrong here but my understanding of my teachers wisdom is this: all spirit is essentially one spirit, but is manifested into countless different forms. The one spirit is Yuan Shen (in Taoism means original soul) and the unique individual manifested soul of each thing in creation is Shi Shen (body soul in Taoism). That is why when one melds their body soul with original soul they return to the source of life. They no longer become a separate entity, they become one with all things consciously. 
I have never heard Master Sha share it this way so it may not be true, but up to now in my understanding this is how I see it.)

Even our bodies are home to countless conscious beings all living in harmonious communities working endlessly to keep balance and assist the overall life of the body, which by the way is like a universe to them. Our bodies is absolutely a universe to the conscious beings within the body. I believe we exist within another body, and so on. Yet the one life that exists in all life, in all timelines and Dimensions is the grand intelligence and source we all come from and return to. "Call it what you want, I call it Tao" as Lao Tzu writes in the Tao Te Ching. 

So what does living with nature look like individually and collectively?
Individually, in my opinion this is the true reason for Masters. They live in this state of harmony with nature every moment and it is beautiful to be around and see and feel. 
This is a none violent, none resisting, caring and loving presence on this beautiful earth. Completely selfless. 

To explain what it looks like Collectively, I will share a beautiful story of a tribe in Africa. 
When a women and her partner decide to have children, the women will each day visit the Forrest and sit in silence with nature and ask for the song of her new child. She may receive the song straight away or it could talk months of doing this daily. 
Then the mother will receive clearly a song. This is the song of the child who has chosen her mother. 
This day that the mother receives the song of her child is the day of conception. 
When she returns to her partner she sings the song to him and there is a beautiful celebration. The song is sang by both parents as a mating ritual. When the baby is in her mothers tummy they sing the song to the baby. When the baby is born the song is sang. The song is sang at every birthday. The song is sang throughout their life, and the last time that song is sung is when that person is being buried at the end of their physical life. 
This story is so moving to me because my teacher also says that every soul has its own song and even the entire universe acts like a cosmic symphony of coherent frequencies. In fact cosmos translates to "order" because there is a universal order to the symphony. 
This is what living with nature looks like. Living with a respect for all beings. 

Now compare this to how we bring babies (the closest thing to nature) into the world in the West. We are born into white rooms, thrown around, weighed, poked and prodded, and parents encouraged to let their babies cry in a separate room so they get used to being on their own. 
They have just come out of 9 months with the mother, listening to their heart beat and so on, then bang!! Your out, your being given so much stimulation and then have to sleep on your own in an alien environment. 
This is a separation from nature. 

Some indigenous tribes actually keep their new borns in relative darkness for the first three years and do nothing but love them and care for them continuously. Then introduce them very gradual into the world. They believe that this allows them to operate from the heart rather than move into the mind to quickly. This again makes sense to me. 

Now I want to go back to what we talked about at the beginning and go a little deeper into understanding what exists within the 99.999999999999% space of an atom (and the universe). 

Fist let's touch on the fact that nature doesn't waste anything. 
Even our DNA consists of around 99% of what scientists call "junk DNA" which is DNA not being used. This isn't junk, it's just untapped potential. Which means we experience around 1% of what is available or possible through our limitations and beliefs. 

Quantum physicists now believe that this 99.99999999999% space is the quantum field of potentials. In fact, the closer they observe what we think is physical matter the more they find that there is nothing solid. Quantum physicist say that only when consciousness observes matter does matter become visible. When it isn't being observed it literally vanishes. 
This process is happening all the time, even with us!

So this shows us that the space is filled with every possible possibility. An infinite number of possibilities. They all exist at the same time. 
So then, the 99.999999999999% of space is not filled with no time and no-things, but ALL time and all things. Yet we only experience a fraction of this as linear time. And we continually choose our reality based off our past experiences and beliefs, which are always limited. 

Let me give you an example. If you go to the doctor and he says you have 2 months to live, that timeline and reality absolutely exist. But so does the timeline and reality that you beat the illness. So does the reality that you never had it in the first place. Or that you live till your over a hundred and the doctor was wrong. They all exist. And you as the quantum observer can consciously choose which reality you want to experience. But you do this fully conscious in the present moment. 

The same goes for mother earths transition. There is a realty where humans wipe themselves out. There is also one where we evolve consciously and create a heaven on earth. 
When we look at a radio we see that we can choose to tune into a number of radio frequencies. Where are they? They are all around us but we cannot see then but the radio can choose which one to tune into. All the frequencies are there. Just as all life possibilities are all around us. We choose through being fully conscious. 

To me this is why I feel it is so important to be conscious and choose to stay in love.
I read a section of Master Sha's new book "greatest love" only yesterday and had a huge insight. At the end of the book he shares how we can offer huge service to humanity and the world by practice meditating on love, chanting love, and tracing a greatest love calligraphy. 

I stopped reading and visualised the whole of humanity doing this practice. And it all made so much sense from every angle, whether spiritually, scientifically, or logically. If all of humanity where to do this practice we would open the portal for the universal one love we spoke of earlier to flow through humanity into this reality and to all life on the planet. 
Then all of humanity and nature would move more into global coherence and into more energy than Matter. And as nothing in the world is actually solid as it appears to be, we would see instant transformation in the world itself. 

Now the beautiful thing about this is we don't actually need the whole of humanity to do this. We first only need small gatherings of conscious people to create this coherent field of love. Then that group will influence a larger area, and shift the consciousness to love. Then more and more people will be inspired to live in love and want to practice and share love. 

It's been interesting few days because a young boy (17) was violently killed in the area where I grew up this week. I have read a number of posts dedicated to his boy and also read the comments below. The amount of anger and hatred towards the person who committed the terrible act was nauseating. 
When normal, good people react like that they are creating the same amount of negativity in the world as the person who created the crime. They are creating division. They are creating incoherence within themselves and the world. Yet they believe they are doing the right thing. 
This is a lack of understanding of the truth. This causes us to get stuck in the illusion. Stuck in Matter. Stuck in reincarnation in this world. 
Only when we can see the suffering of both sides of a terrible act like this can we allow compassion to enter our hearts and then we contribute higher frequencies to the field and create peace. Only then can we evolve consciously. 

When we consciously love ourselves (by allowing universal love to be present in us and dropping the false self, which is the illusion of a separate self/entity) and all beings from our heart, this is consciousness waking up to itself, and acknowledging itself, and experiencing its own love throughout countless manifestations and experiences. 
This is why suffering is such an important part of the existence experience. When spirit is lost in the world (un-manifested lost in the manifested) it suffers. This suffering is essential, because only through this suffering are we forced out of the world of form into conscious awareness. Out of the world of attachments and identification into the world of Tao and Awakening. 

Lao Tzu says , "ever desiring one sees the manifestation. Ever desirless one sees the mystery."

Living in a world of desires one sees the manifestation (things). Ever desirless one sees the mystery (in-manifested). 

When we live from Matter/particle this is operating from the ego identity. This is why when we operate from this level we feel we must use force. We use force because it is harder to move Matter on the level of matter. This force is then a resistance against nature and life situations. In nature we see that softness and suppleness overcomes hard and rigidity. Look at water over rocks.  Lao Tzu emphasises this natural principle over and over again. In the Tao Te Ching he mentions how nothing is as soft and yielding as water. Yet for overcoming the strong and inflexible, nothing can surpass it. 

There is even a tale of when Lao Tzu walks up to a old man with his disciples and opens the old mans mouth and shows his students that even though the teeth are much stronger than the tongue, the teeth eventually rot and fall out and the tongue will live on with the body. The soft and flexible outlives the strong and inflexible. This is experienced on every level. We love babies and puppies because of their innocence. At the same time we love adults who are humble and show their vulnerability. This always opens hearts and shows a soft strength which is always infinitely stranger that egoic strength, which is actually the highest form of weakness. 

When we live from our heart we live a conscious life directed by our spirit through the heart. Our minds are still. We use our minds as we need to. The egoic self becomes one with the whole. It dissolves in the light of your consciousness, along with the illusion of time. This takes great effort, yet is very simple. 
I have daily visits to this state, yet it is challenging for me to reside there for long periods in this western lifestyle. Yet this is a very important part of this beautiful journey. The ups and downs of life. We need both. And as long as we are experiencing these states more frequently each day we are becoming more conscious, therefore, creating peace within us and within the world. 

Meditation is vitally important because when we live in this world unconsciously we only experience 0.000000000001% of what is available. This limited life experience creates stress, depression and anxiety and hopelessness, because we then believe "is this really al there is?" 
It's like thinking we are driving a Nissan micro when in fact we have a formula one car. Through meditation we open a vertical dimension in our lives and everything changes. 7 years ago I started meditating and my life has never been the same since. 

Why is it so difficult to be authentic in this world?
It's difficult if you are unconscious. People today believe that they are being individuals by living in their ego, their false created persona. This is not. This is the illusion. But most people live like this. So when someone actually lives authentically, the collective ego attacks like a pack of wolves. 
What do I mean here?
Every being is unique. As I mentioned earlier, the Tao experiences itself trough countless manifestations. So we are all a part of the one life, the whole, the creator. Yet we each are a unique manifestation of this universal consciousness to allow it to experience itself through us. 
When we are authentic we follow our nature. But when we live in ego there is nothing authentic about that. Ego is everywhere. And most ego personalities tell each other they are unique, yet follow what the collective egoic mind is doing. And as soon as someone becomes conscious and lives authentically, they either pull the unconscious being out of their ego, or their ego will attack the conscious being. But this is the suffering of humanity. When we attach to the false egoic self and believe that is who we are, that is true suffering. In fact, that is the cause of all suffering on our planet. That is what keeps us separated from one another, the earth, and even from our true self. 

I watched a movie called Evan Almighty the other day with Beau and Danielle and I got so much from it. 
In the movie God said - "if you pray for patience god gives opportunities to be patient. If you ask for the family to be close, god creates opportunities to love each other."
This is beautiful and very important to understand. If we ask for world peace god/Tao/the universe gives us opportunities to be peaceful in challenging situations. Whether you ask God, Buddha, Tao, the universe, it doesn't matter. You are ultimately setting an intention for what you want to experience in your life experience. Because whether you ask God, Tao, Buddha or the universe, you are ultimately speaking to yourself, because the ultimate consciousness is within you. Everything came from the same source, therefore is a part of the source, and will return to the source. 

Hope this makes sense. Please feel free to ask questions. 

Love you all x

Monday 22 May 2017

Physical health and conscious eating

In this post I want to touch on physical health. Everything I share in this post is my personal experience. I am not sharing anything that I have not experienced personally. I am not telling anyone what to do, just sharing my experience and personal opinion through my experiences.

The reason for me saying that is because nutrition is a touchy subject for so many, and it is always changing every year in the universities and so on. Something is good for you then they say it is bad or vice versa. 

I would like to share a story.

About 3 years ago I was at a conscious living expo sharing information on the Love peace harmony movement when a man approached me with a question. After about 2 minutes we where getting into a deep conversations.
The man was a nutritionist and had been for over 20 years. As nutrition has always been a big part of my life and I personally have tried everything from huge amounts of meat, being a  vegetarian, a vegan, a raw vegan and so on, I asked the man this question:

"If you could sum up everything you know about nutrition in a few words what would you say?"

The mans answer was awesome! He said 

"We have totally lost our connection with ourselves and our bodies. We must regain that connection because our bodies speak to us all the time but we don't listen. When we eat foods, our bodies tell us whether is good for us or not. If we feel sluggish, or we get heart burn, or dry mouth then that is our bodies saying "no good, stay away from that food." Yet if we feel clean, energised, fresh, light, happy, and satisfied, that is our bodies saying "Thats good! keep it coming!"

In my opinion this guys answer nailed it! That is exactly my conclusion to nutrition. Also I believe 100% in Karma, so everyone is individual and every persons bodies reacts to food differently.

I would also like to share that I have read a book called "You are the Placebo" by Dr. Joe Dispenza, which shows how the placebo effect works. In a nut shell if our minds believe something (anything!!) then our bodies will create the chemistry to match our belief which will then give us the result we believe is true.

I share this because I am aware of this when I go into anything, so I try and stay as neutral as possible.

Personally in my life I like to try everything and anything and I won't recommend something unless i personally have experienced it. Believe me I have tried everything! My friends at work call me a mad scientist.
But in this post I want to talk about nutrition and conscious eating.

I have always trained hard my whole life, whether it be boxing or weight training or cross fit. Then when I found my spiritual journey I swapped physical training for meditation. 
That was five years ago! and although I have a physical job to keep me relatively fit, I still haven't trained properly for five years which is huge for me.

After being a strict vegan for a year or so I felt very clean and clear, but I didn't like being so strict with my diet. I find that many vegans can be very attached to being a vegan and it takes over their life. Also vegans can be pretty aggressive in defending their food choice.

Anyway to cut a long story short I started to be a conscious eater. To me that means being conscious of where your food comes from and how it ended up on your plate.
The research from Cleve Backster shows very clearly that plants feel physical pain as well as having emotions. They feel peoples intention and get scared. This is what I mean by conscious eating, because whatever you choose to eat you should show your upmost respect, appreciation and gratitude to the soul of your food. By doing this the soul of the animal or plant that is on your plate has been appreciated for their sacrifice.

This is a teaching from the great Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn:

(In my words and as I understand it) 

Whatever we eat may seem like it is just what is on our plate, yet their is a whole world of interconnectedness in our food. The whole family tree of the animal or plant is within our food. The sun, the rain, and the earth are within the food on our plate, because without them the food would not have been created. Even the person who killed or picked our food is within the food. Their parents and grand parents are within the food because without them the food would not end up on our plate. At the same time, the way the food was killed is also in the food. The pain, suffering and terror is within the food.

By looking at our food this way we become conscious and appreciative.

I personally don't believe that the human species is a meat eating species. I now many will argue with this but when I look at it through the eyes of pure common sense we are not meat eaters.

On a physical level, Our intestines are huge, and meat eaters intestines are small. We have to chew each mouthful 60 times and that is based on fruit and vegetables, where as meat eaters don't need to chew. They bite, rip then swallow.

Our jaws move side to side, and meat eaters don't.

I heard an analogy: If you place a infant in a cage with a strawberry and a rabbit the baby will eat the strawberry and stroke the rabbit. Yet if you did the same thing with a tiger it would attack the rabbit and not eat the strawberry. We are not born with "animal instincts. 

Also whenever I speak to friends and family who defend eating meat and dairy I always notice a common link with them all. They all suffer with the same condition. They all take medication for acid reflux. This is a clear sign something is wrong.

Now after saying all this I want to share that a year ago (last winter) I started eating meat again. 
My outlook was to have no attachment to what I ate, and also whatever I ate was an opportunity to bless the soul journey of that food by showing my deepest appreciation and also sending the soul of my food my deepest love and compassion and asking the saints to bless the journey of the food.

Over about a 8-10 months period I was eating meat at least twice a day. In that time I put on a belly, I always felt lethargic and my shoulders and joints where always in pain. Also I felt very foggy and dense and my spiritual eye and spiritual sensitivity in general decreased.

I then decided to stop eating meat again about 3 months ago. Just by doing this I started to feel more energy and less aches and pains.
Over the last 5-6 weeks I have started to train again. Nothing crazy, just basic training (body weight training). 

Remember the spiritual journey is about purifying the soul, mind and body. If any of these three are out of balance you will struggle to progress. In my experience Yoga is a great form of physical exercise yet I still believe there is huge benefits in getting your blood pumping every day. getting your blood rushing through your body definitely moves stagnant energy within the body and mind.

I have also introduced myself to cold exposure. Every day exposing my body to cold, whether it be a cold shower or a ice bath. I will go into the benefits of cold therapy in another blog if anyone is interested as well as breathing exercises. (I will also answer any questions at the bottom).

Training and nutrition go hand in hand. If your diet is bad and you start training you will just eat more junk because your appetite will increase.

Remember this when you are hungry your body wants nutrition. When we see obese people they are actually starving to death, this is one reason why they are so hungry all the time because they are not nutritionally satisfied.

In just a few weeks of basic training and from cutting out meat and dairy (Although I don't eat much dairy anyway as I believe dairy is even more detrimental to our health than eating meat) I have trimmed up again. I understand that muscle memory plays a role in it too but I feel like a different person.

I have also been practicing a number of different breathing exercises which have been incredibly beneficial, but I will leave them for another post or video.

My personal experience is that I feel better when I am not eating meat. And when I say better I mean better in every single area.
When I went back to eating meat again I was expecting it to taste like remembered it used to, but it was not even tasty. 

I believe everyone should try many different diets and see what works for them personally. Try eating a lot of meat and dairy for a while, then try eating no meat and dairy for a while, try everything and let your body tell you what works and what doesn't.

To sum up this blog post here are some personal tips I suggest:

- Change the way you eat first before training. If you are never going to give up meat just try cutting down on it.

- If you are suffering from acid reflux cut out meat and especially dairy for a month and see what happens

- Get your heart rate up every day, whether its through walking or training depending on where your at.

- listen to what your body is telling you. connect back with yourself and FEEL your body from the inside.

- introduce meditation into your life (It literally is the biggest influence on whether I am calm, patient, relaxed and grounded or the opposite). Simply bring your focus to your breath. If you breath slow, deep, quiet and regular your chemistry and physiology will change for the better. This is one way to judge how you are feeling. If you are stressed in any way your breathing will be fast, shallow, noisey and irregular. By resting your awareness on your breath you allow space in your thought stream, which then brings space in your world.

- become conscious and take the time to think where your food has come from and if it will be beneficial to your body, mind and spirit.

- Always take time to show appreciation, love, gratitude, compassion and light to whatever you are eating.

- when coming off meat, introduce foods that help control fungus in the body such as Reishi mushroom, Chaga mushroom, and Pau Di Arco to name a few. Fungus is a main contributor to illness in the west.

- Never miss the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for any mistakes you have made throughout your entire soul journey.

I hope this post has been beneficial in some way .

I am happy to answer any questions 

All the love I have to give

Nicholas Giannasi

Wednesday 26 April 2017


It doesn't seem like a year ago I posted a blog dedicated to my father for his birthday, but it was!

Again its my fathers birthday and I want to share my love and appreciation for him.

Over the past few weeks alone my Dad has really touched me and Danielle with his love. Just the other day my mum told me that my Dad suggested visiting us to help us work on the bus. He also said he would sleep on the floor or camp in the garden (as we have no furniture left after throwing it all out) until the van was completed.
This deeply touched me and Danielle.

My parents would give us (me, my brother and sister) the skin off their backs if we needed it, they are so selfless.

I heard a teaching from the great Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn about parenting. He used an analogy of growing lettuce. He shared that at Plum Village (the conscious Buddhist community he started in France) he grows lettuce, and he is responsible for the way the lettuce grows. If for any reason the lettuce didn't grow right, it would be crazy to shout and scream and blame the lettuce. If one shouts at the lettuce and blames the lettuce and neglects the lettuce, the lettuce with wither and die.
So it is so important that a parent nourishes the child with patience, love and kindness.

I share this because my parents have done this for me, and they still do and I am a father and a husband now.
There have been times when my parents have visited me and when we have been having a conversation I have noticed that they may not agree with what I am saying, yet they listen with love an patience. By doing this they lead me by their example.

I notice it straight away sometimes, and other times I will get it days later when I meditate.

I want to share a story, again from Thich Nhat Hahn that is very powerful.

“The day my mother died I wrote in my journal, "A serious misfortune of my life has arrived." I suffered for more than one year after the passing away of my mother. But one night, in the highlands of Vietnam, I was sleeping in the hut in my hermitage. I dreamed of my mother. I saw myself sitting with her, and we were having a wonderful talk. She looked young and beautiful, her hair flowing down. It was so pleasant to sit there and talk to her as if she had never died. When I woke up it was about two in the morning, and I felt very strongly that I had never lost my mother. The impression that my mother was still with me was very clear. I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just an idea. It was obvious in that moment that my mother is always alive in me.

I opened the door and went outside. The entire hillside was bathed in moonlight. It was a hill covered with tea plants, and my hut was set behind the temple halfway up. Walking slowly in the moonlight through the rows of tea plants, I noticed my mother was still with me. She was the moonlight caressing me as she had done so often, very tender, very sweet... wonderful! Each time my feet touched the earth I knew my mother was there with me. I knew this body was not mine but a living continuation of my mother and my father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors. Those feet that I saw as "my" feet were actually "our" feet. Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the damp soil.

From that moment on, the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed. All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time.”

I am very blessed to still have my parents still alive and well, and I have the good fortune of being able to speak with them any time I want, Yet I wanted to share this beautiful story because this is how I feel everyday.

Not that I have lost my parents, but that my parents are very much with me in everything I do. Also my grandparents, my brother and sister, my whole family and all my friends. We are all interconnected with one another. With the whole of humanity and all the animals and our beloved planet.

Whatever I do and wherever I go my parents are with me. They reside in my heart.

I can't express in words the gratitude I have for my parents, and I could never share what they have done for me in this blog. Yet I can share a little of how important they have been in my life.

I am 35 years old in June. I don't hold on to guilt, yet everyday I feel so compelled to create peace in this world because of the blessings I have received.
I have had such incredible parents, siblings, friends, wife, son, spiritual teacher, health, happiness and more in my life, how can I just sit back and say "thanks for a great life!"

For me to do that would be selfish. I would be just taking from life. The fact that I have had such a blessed life is what drives me to give back to the world. The love I have had and still get from my parents is overwhelming. It brings me to tears sometimes.

The deeper I go into the teaching of Karma I realise that I have had many good lives with my parents. I vow to always love and look after my parents in any way possible, in this life and in all future lifetimes.

I realise that some people in the world have not had good relationships with their parents. Maybe you are reading this and you had a lot of struggles or pain with your relationship with your parents. For this I am sorry, and I can't relate to your situation fully.
Yet I can share a simple practice that may help heal your relationship.

The practice is again from Thich Nhat Hahn. Do this practice daily.

Visualise yourself as a 5 year old child. Innocent in the world. See how vulnerable you are.

Now visualise your parent (that you have challenges with) as a 5 year old child. Innocent in the world. See how vulnerable he/she is.

By doing this you can understand that your parent may have had the same things happen to them that planted the seed of suffering in their store consciousness.

By doing this practice we introduce "Understanding" which plants the seeds of compassion within us. Then we can forgive. Then we can love, heal and bring light to the relationship.

When you hold these images of your parents you may repeat the words "I forgive you, please forgive me, bring Love peace and Harmony"

This practice can be done with those that have died also.

Right now we are living in a unique time in history. One that all the ancient traditions have pointed to as "the time of change,"
This is a subject I could write about all day but Im not going to. But what I will say is this, "Its so important that we care right now."

Its important that we care for ourselves, our loved ones, humanity, our planet, the animals and the forests and oceans. This time we are in literally is sink or swim, but don't be afraid. It is as simple as caring. Why is caring easy? because its our natural state as human beings. The only reason we may struggle is because of our egos. Our egos have separated us from nature. separated us from our true selves.

So make the effort to care and lead by example and together we can heal the world.

I want to thank my incredible parents from the bottom of my heart.
I owe them everything.
I want to wish my father a very happy birthday, he is 69 years old.

When I see how influential my parents have been in my life I understand how important it is to be a parent. A parent is everything to the child, and still when they are an adult. My parents have inspired me to be the best father I can possibly be to my beautiful son and any more children we may have come into our lives.

I owe you everything mum and Dad, I will do my best to bring peace to this world and share the love you have given me.

We send all the love we have to give
Nick, Danielle and Beau x